
Friday, February 12, 2016

Decorations around a Richmond neighborhood

Found these pictures of Christmas decor on homes in a neighborhood.   These were taken after Christmas.   

I think this door is so pretty

Such pretty stately homes

I like the soldiers standing guard at the front door and many more above it.

I am across the street taking this but you can get what I mean

on the way home

and home


  1. Oh wow Betsy, just beautiful! Those large homes made my heart go pitter patter!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  2. Hello Betsy, Love all your Christmas lights photos! I have joined a Christmas Club at my local quilt shop that meets on the 3rd Thursday each month. I would like to share a list of Christmas blogs with my friends and hope that you will be continuing with yours. I came here by way of Christmas 24-7. Please visit my blog at where I intend to post at least once a month with my Christmas plans and progress. Christmas hugs to you! Mary in VA


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