
Friday, January 8, 2016

After Christmas visit

I took Adalyn and Genevieve to visit Aunt Wanda and see Natalie who is two years old and are third cousins.
The house was still decorated , I got a few shots.
Living room tree


Pretty lit nativity on canvas

canvas with lights

I really love these singing penguins someone made - I just think they are so cute, especially the accordion player

I wish my picture was not so blurry of Natalie, beautiful red hair and blue eyes

den tree

Like the scene painting back drop by my nephew

Great Aunt Wanda with Adalyn Genevieve and Natalie
Popcorn with nuts, m&m's, and white chocolate


  1. What a fun visit for the girls, they look like they are very interested in that snack mix. The Christmas tree is pretty, that star has a fluorescent look to it.

  2. Betsy,
    What a beautiful home!! I am sorrty that it is taking me so long to get back to you but I am still packing away Christmas. I am now posting over on my regular blog but hope to post on my Christmas one on the 25th of each month, Rudolph Day!!



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