
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Rest of Christmas

We are still enjoying Christmas decorations.  

I did take the tree down on the porch but will leave the rest til  Epiphany.  I like to see the wreaths on the windows a bit longer too.

New ribbon this year.  I mixed the glittered and the plain velvet.  

I used black and white checked ribbon with some white

Vintage Choir dolls a friend gifted me one Christmas.  

More Choir dolls in living room. 
I found these at Roses store years ago.  Roses used to have some unique items at one time.  Well, I went through my pictures and not one did I take of the front of the dolls. 

A sweet Santa and bag of gifts from my sister in Maine
A vintage collage of figures purchased from a vintage shop
Looks like Santa has a big gold nose

While in Fredericksburg by train with the grand girls, Genevieve pointed out this beautiful Elf doll.  She asked if I liked it.  I love these dolls or decorations and told her I did. 
She remembered with her Mom shopping at a vintage type shop seeing one just like it for sale close to home.  She showed to her Mom and asked her to get it for me. I thought that was just so thoughtful and so sweet of her. She couldn't wait til I opened it on Christmas.

I received this so sweet little book with some recipes for Christmas and such meaningful verses.  

I found this tiny little wooden nativity at Barnes and Noble for Adalyn

  My sister made this for Christmas.  She used vanilla beans imported from Madagascar, sounds good to me and look forward to using very soon.  Such a unique gift.  So happy to receive it and the cute Santa hat she packaged in.  She made the label too. 

Looking out the window I see Santa and Snowman. The Santa was purchased for grandson Seth when he was about 5 years old I am guessing.  He is now 21.
 Blow molds I hear them called.  

Home lit up at night. 

Always silver bells displayed somewhere at Christmas.   Lamp post this Christmas
I love this song found words on Pinterest

I didn't get any stills of us on Christmas day. I am sure others did.  Others took pictures when it was time to serve dinner.  I did get a few on video.

Opa took the girls to James Center.  We started taking them just about every year except last year since very young, strolling in a stroller..
Genevieve found Rudolph 

He was cute lit up at night.  Again, later this year he will come out.




  1. Everything is just lovely. I haven't removed a thing yet. I want to prolong the season through Epiphany and then it all looks so bare. So I am thinking Feb 1. You have such beautiful things and I love the stories behind them. Your new elf is adorable!

    1. Thank you. I leave tree til Ephiphany and usually other decorations but with getting the shower in our bathroom redone, dust was every where, so most things got put away. I love to see the decorations too. I have my village still on mantle as it brightens there. Happy New Year, Betsy


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