
Friday, December 24, 2021

Last Night.

Hope to get more pictures tonight.  This was last night after very late shopping.

 Some of my favorite Christmas music is Dean Martin.

Early today with my sister visiting our Mother

Children spent the night with us and Mrs. Elf came

Back to making another big cooking mess in the kitchen


  1. Dearest Betsy,
    Hoping you managed all your baking in the kitchen.
    Happy to see your Mother in the picture on December 24th, she no doubt treasured you visiting with your sister.
    Love the lights at night!
    Hugs and Merry Christmas to all of you.

  2. Hello Mariette, I hope your Christmas was great! My cookies did not turn out well. Nothing really went too well this year as far as my baking goes, well with the sweets anyway. Don't know what happened but it's got to get better next year. We did have a great Christmas Day and all of the family is well so we have a lot to be thankful for. God has been good to us this past year. If I stay away from the news I'm much better. Too much information and most of it is silly crap anyway. Will do what I want to do when I want to do it and live life to the fullest. Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year's wish for you and yours! Hugs Betsy

  3. LOVE your attitude Betsy on life and those cookies are just minor... Not important!
    We just biked together as it is so balmy warm here with 73°F.
    Focusing on nature and on positives things is the BEST!

    1. Beautiful weather you are having. It's nice here today but in 60's. I love it. You sure stay active. I think that is so wonderful. My knee bothers me lately so not so active. I have been exercising and want to get off some weight. My husband has just gone to the Y to do his laps in the pool. He has always gone at least 4 nights a week to do those. He loves the water. Happy New Year, Betsy

  4. Your husband is doing even better than we do, they say that swimming is the very best exercise! But our biking is perfect and since Pieter is not on his legs, the hurting knee is for years not bothering him. Fluids get removed while biking, without putting pressure on the knee. Walking is out of question for him but we switched to biking.
    Happy New Year to you both!

    1. I will probably start back at the Y and get some much needed exercise. With my knee, too much walking is out of the question. I try to put a bandage on it sometimes. Biking is wonderful, fresh air with wonderful exercise. Blessed New Year to you and Pieter!


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