
Monday, January 4, 2021

Candles and Quiet

 Few pictures for my scrapbook of our tree and candle light before time comes to take everything down.  I have taken a few things down already and now to be boxed  away till Christmas comes again this year, wow that's right!   Won't be long before it will be here again!

Tonight reading a few pages of a book owned by my grand father that I now have called, Mental Hygiene - the dynamics of adjustment.  I figure I may need some adjusting after the past year. Copy right 1947 and 1951. This is the second edition. I have many old books and like to pull one down now and again to read a little.

Little late but had to have a cup of coffee

 The soft lighting is so easy on the eyes, but I ruined it shortly by thinking about  how long it's going to take me to get those ornaments off of that tree and pack away, especially with all of that tinsel that has to come off first.  
O.K. now back to where I was which was the quiet, cozy warm ambience of the evening.  Now that's much better. 

Out of the five Chinese Zodiac elements, I think fire and metal are my favorites.  


Downstairs to check on husband. Curled up with a good book and doing some serious snacking on cookies.  I see he has his peppermints near by.  He is content and I need not interrupt his reading nor satisfying his sweet tooth.  

A short video 

later, betsy


  1. Dearest Betsy,
    Those ware very warm Christmas Season photos and reading a good book during such times is pure bliss.
    Sending you hugs,

    1. Thank you Mariette, I am reading more along with puzzles. Enjoying the evenings in this calming light. Warm wishes for a joyous New Year

  2. Betsy,
    Happy New Year!!!
    So Pretty...I have to ask if that is tinsel on your tree???? If so, I love it..I think I need to do that on my Tree up in the Sitting Room with all the Shiny brite Ornaments on.....
    Stay safe, healthy and Happy!

  3. I did enjoy seeing your video.
    My good wishes for 2021.

    All the best Jan

  4. Betsy, I keep saying that I am not in any hurry to give up Christmas, but truth be told I am not looking forward to putting it away either. Oh, well, we have all year to do it, right? Your tree is really beautiful..Stay well..xxoJudy

  5. Thank you Jan. I wish you the Best for a Wonderful New Year!

  6. The little video shows the beauty and sparkle of the tree. I find it hard to take a godd picture of a Christmas tree. All of your decorations are beautiful, Betsy. I LOVE a silver serving set. My Mother used one that looked just like yours. Would love to have one myself.

  7. I am so glad I stopped by your Christmas blog. You have beautiful decorations Betsy, so warm and festive.


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