
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rainy Saturday evening

More of my decorations.   Will be taking down on Monday.  I always wait till after the 12th day of Christmas.  The candle on the wreath is lit, just not showing well with the light. 


Earlier before the rain

Little of the rain coming down


  1. Betsy,
    Love that candle wreath!! I was going to wait until tomorrow to change over the outside to Winter but yesterday it was in the high 40's so I took all of Christmas down and today, I will put out Winter decor which is not much as I was smart enough over the last 2 years to incorporate Winter with Christmas on the outside. I did it earlier than I had planned because we are not in the low 30's with snow flurries and maybe an inch or two over the next few days so I wanted to get it down.Thanks so much for stopping by and for commenting on my post about my friend's house. She appreciated it!! She bought those larger silver trees in Kohl's this year.

  2. Betsy, I love your night time pics. So bright and pretty. I didn't do much of anything outside this year except the wreath on the door and the candles that show from inside at the windows. I got my bedroom put back to rights this morning, but haven't started on anything else yet..Hope you are enjoying the new year so far..xxoJudy

  3. Dearest Betsy,
    Quite a job for taking things down on the 5th.
    We don't do this anymore, with high age there is no need for doing so.
    My dear friend in Germany fell off a ladder due to the Christmas decorating and broke her pelvic bone in a terrible way...
    We've done our share!
    Sending you hugs and blue skies with sunshine!

    1. Hi Mariette,
      Terrible to fall like that. I am putting my boxes in the garage where I do not have to climb. I am not going to do that at all.
      Hugs to you Mariette,

  4. Your decorations are beautiful. I love the wreath and enjoyed the video.


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