
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Downtown Richmond lights

Few pictures of downtown Richmond, Va. and the lights at the James Center.  We had a bite to eat at the Third Street Diner and then to see the lights.

We have to visit here every Christmas.  It's gotten to be a tradition with us.  Joyful.

waiting for the model train

Pretty display in a shop window inside the James Center

A large ornament made of Yo-Yo's

Make a wish

While upstairs on our way to the Mezzanine,  Adalyn and Genevieve decided to rest.

The very large wreath hanging in the Mezzanine this year is different from the last several.  Good to see it changed up a bit.

On our way home, a gentleman was selling light wands and of course the girls went through every one before they made decision on which one they liked.


  1. What all those lights looks fabulous. The decorations also looks superb! We live in the country in a tiny town in a sparse populated area so to see all these city decorations and lights it's wonderful. Thanks for sharing!! Happy new year!

  2. Such beautiful decorations. Kids seemed to really enjoy.


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