
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

pretty home

Steve and I stopped by a craft sale at a lovely home in Henrico Va.. A Georgian style home built in 1952 on mountain road.  Mountain road as it is called because it was the main road taken to the mountains of Virginia.
George Washington's military headquarters in Newburg, New York is what this home is modeled after.
Simple green wreaths adorned with a velvet red fluffy  bows. I think that is what I will put on my wreaths at the windows this year.

I didn't stand back far enough to capture the whole house for a picture.  Ground was wet after some drizzling rain earlier, so I got several pictures up close.

We were thinking about switching out our door and sidelights, but now after seeing this,  I think I will keep them as they look like the one on this home.   They look pretty good now I see them on someone else's house.

Steve purchased this pretty bluebird painting for his office

Outside vendor selling barbecue, so good.


  1. Pretty! LOVE the bluebird picture! My favorite bird.

  2. Beautiful picture and what a stunning house!! Love all the wreaths on the windows...

  3. Good evening mom. I was strolling through your blog and wanted to see if you had any pictures posted of your Christmas Decorations yet. I know you are working on them as I am.

    I think your house would look beautiful decorated like this one. The lights will be a very pretty addition to it. I love the simplicity of it. IT matches your house.

    Love your daughter


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