
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Bloemendaal House

Christmas decorations at the  Boemendaal home.   Many large silk peonies making up the garland on the mantles and some swags in other areas of the home.   Just inside to right of foyer is this room with a large fireplace with garland that reflects the flowers and colors of the painting above it. 

Another fireplace with greenery.  I didn't photograph the whole room as there were many people visiting this night.

Colors reflecting the blues and greens in the window swag

I see through the window a gentleman taking  pictures of the gardens.

View to outside porch with tree

Another room we entered had these sweet little bees  in the corner of the doorway

close up of fireplace arrangement in this room

I call this the ladies parlor - not sure of what it is called really.

Elegant window dressings and especially the ones in this room

The lighting was subdued, so the pictures did not turn out very clear for me.

the fireplace screen in this room has roses painted on glass

leaving now passing by the staircase

Pausing here on the porch

taking in the beauty of surrounding gardens

A brief history of the garden and home is found  - Here

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