
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Mom visited with us on the 28th of Christmas.   Had dinner and opened gifts .   She had a good time and probably had way to much ham,  she loved it.
Here are a few pics of that day.
Seth (oldest grand) holding Genevieve,  Mom ,  daughter Annette
Mom at 93 -  looks and does very well, she gets around better than most and doesn't have the bad knee like I do.
Derek holding Genevieve, Adalyn,  Mom and Seth
Miranda had to  work so we didn't get her picture,  but we see her in her sweet children.
Mom wanted to be in front of the Christmas tree
Love the smile she has here
Lil Adalyn is tired of pictures for sure 
A few pieces are not on the village scene and I am sure I will find where Genevieve hid them.
You can see she got a hold of the snow too.    She knows how to have fun.


  1. Looks like everyone had a good time and your mom looks great.

  2. Loved seeing your family and your Mom looks great for her age!!

    Love the village!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!


  3. Hi Betsy, these are such sweet photos. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year to you all :)


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