
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Paper Trees

I have one  more to finish  that will be slightly taller than these two.  
Circles cut out of music book paper,   not concerned about the precise size of each one.    It would have gone a little faster  if I had  scissors with a serrated edge,  but instead used regular scissors to make jagged cuts.
I used foam board for base in disc shape,  I punched a little hole where I put the wooden skewer to dab on some hot glue and then placed the skewer in position.   Started layering the shapes with a piece of foam board in between to keep a little space between.

As you can see,  more hot glue threads need to be pulled off.   

this one is sprayed and coated with crystal glitter.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty, Betsy, such a creative idea! A lot of work!
    I put up our first Christmas lights yesterday, but it is still a glowing and sunshiny autumn day here - the leaves of the beeche trees still golden and on the trees.
    Have a nice Sunday!


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