
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas morning pictures and a few that's not

I decided in between coughing and feeling achy because of a cold I have now, to post a few more  of my Christmas morning.     I have managed to finish a few of my cards to send out.
First year in about I guess 6 that Annette and her family have come home.  So nice having them with Derek , Miranda and that little sweetie Addy.   We hope grand
 children in Hawaii will be here next Christmas and hopefully long before.  I got this sweet little picture of them along with this happy carved Santa.
Ryan - Tyler - and new baby Alaina.  You can see they are in warm climate
I may put him in a wreath next year or keep him the way he is and hang on wall

glass nativity at my entrance

Annette ready for picture taking

Annette taking picture of John and Seth - John is playing with one of Seth's gifts, as his are more fun.

I meant to post this in the previous post,  reflections in brass columns in Richmond at James center of Seth and me

we got this book from Addy of her first year - so neat

such a sweetie
Seth under tree Christmas morning
steve playing with a gadget of some sort
Seth is such a sweet boy,  he was so happy Christmas morning.  12 years old already

view of tree from dining room
I bought this book of stained glass panels on vellum or something like it.  I put them in the windows every year.
helpers cleaning up
garland in doorway
fun and easy making the snowflakes
A large snowflake going to the den

Addy all decked out
Uncle John finished putting together the dinosaur - she loves it
Mom in background on right - I will post a close up of her when I go through my pictures,  so happy she was there.
Here is mom and Addy,  I hope that everyone that took pictures for me will send me a copy,  I didn't get a chance to take to many
in P.J.s - she knows what's coming before to long
I got several handmade gifts and this one is from Donna,  she made it and I hung it on the wall where it will hang every Christmas
time for this
really helps

Thursday, December 27, 2012

downtown pics and a few of home

We took Annette, John and Seth to see the James center decorations before Christmas .  Nice outing and the weather was not cold,  just a little chill in the air.
This picture is a reflection  in the glass
very bright and frosty looking.   You can see more reflection in the glass windows on bldgs.

Large deer on snow covered mounds floating in fountain
grandson Seth in Mezzanine
My son in law John and daughter Annette
last of the pictures in my house of hutch  downstairs at den entrance
My chandy in dining room this year was decorated simply with white garland,  icicles and five silver baubles

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

christrmas tree decorations

We upgraded our computer and I am finally getting  used to the new way of doing things for the most part.
 Christmas was happy, mom was here for dinner and Annette and her family along with Derek and his family.    I did go to moms to stay with her on Christmas  night as she cannot stay by herself.   Finally getting some things cleaned up today. 
I made this wreath and it's hanging above the bed in guest room downstairs
my kitchen window
living room window

Beautiful china teacup that is made in England.   Miranda and Adalyn brought it to me a week ago , sweet Adalyn picked it out.  I love teacups.
I found a good place for the soldiers guarding the steps,  I used the little sticky dots to hold them there.
A little paper house I made for the tree
I used the top of a discarded faux tree to  hang on wall.  Limbs are push against the wall with a little basket on the trunk  

An ornament my husband received
Well now that Christmas is over and I have gotten a little more used to the compter; I will be posting more pictures of the Christmas season.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Few pics of my mantle and Hickory Creek antiques

I have not been  posting like I wanted to because of  so many things that have had to take priority lately.  I do baby sit my beautiful Lil grand daughter and have been enjoying every minute of the time.  
I placed the ice skating boot that I purchased from snow creek farm here
pictures of the grands
poinsettias and bird house on the hearth on one side

at the top of my tree in my den,  I have a star that I made from years past Christmas cards
one of my winter scenes on book case
window to Hickory Creek -  windows decorated so nicely
 close up of Santa that you see in picture above it.
Opa holding Adalyn
Here - she decides she wants him to hold her
Daddy came in and got in the picture
Adalyn is wanting that beard

Portraying Santa for 50 years in Richmond Va is  -  Glen Crone
He has several books and one I am going to read is called From "Saint to Santa: The Autobiography of Saint Nicholas as Revealed to a Friend"
More info here about Santa
hopefully I will have pictures that will up load with no problem of my  upstairs and outside decorations tomorrow
til then - Betsy