
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Few pics of my mantle and Hickory Creek antiques

I have not been  posting like I wanted to because of  so many things that have had to take priority lately.  I do baby sit my beautiful Lil grand daughter and have been enjoying every minute of the time.  
I placed the ice skating boot that I purchased from snow creek farm here
pictures of the grands
poinsettias and bird house on the hearth on one side

at the top of my tree in my den,  I have a star that I made from years past Christmas cards
one of my winter scenes on book case
window to Hickory Creek -  windows decorated so nicely
 close up of Santa that you see in picture above it.
Opa holding Adalyn
Here - she decides she wants him to hold her
Daddy came in and got in the picture
Adalyn is wanting that beard

Portraying Santa for 50 years in Richmond Va is  -  Glen Crone
He has several books and one I am going to read is called From "Saint to Santa: The Autobiography of Saint Nicholas as Revealed to a Friend"
More info here about Santa
hopefully I will have pictures that will up load with no problem of my  upstairs and outside decorations tomorrow
til then - Betsy

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Christmas decor and what a wonde3rful Santa!!!

    I must apologize that i have not been by before this.....
    Time slipped away from me this season..




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