
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Next week I am going to check out the fantastic light show at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.
Here are a few pictures that were taken last year in the gift shop and in the house.

I found a video of the lights from last year click   here  to watch it and enjoy

 Will be updating this blog more now as Thanksgiving is just about here.   I can't do much until then.  I love Thanksgiving and will putting away some turkey and dressing for sure.   Til next post - betsy


  1. Hi Betsy! I've been wondering where you have been! ;) How pretty! I love those candleabras on the mantle, so pretty! Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see this years decorations! Gina

  2. Your photos are amping up my Christmas spirit.
    author of book "Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts: Stories to Warm Your Heart and Tips to Simplify Your Holiday"


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