
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Downtown Richmond - James Center

Christmas Eve , Steve and I drove to downtown Richmond to see the decorations at the James Center.  We had dinner inside the Omni.  Spaghetti for me and Clams and linguine for Steve.   I need a set of the dishes that our dinner was served in.  I especially love the cup and saucer.

Beautiful scenery to see while eating our meal

Gorgeous trees outside

  I cropped this so you could see it closer.   The reflection in the glass

 I still have not found these type of lampshades yet,  still looking though

Back home before the snow hits
------------------------------------------short video of downtown lights


  1. Betsy, it was so nice to "meet" you -- I'm so glad you're going to be following my blog! You had a lovely dinner in gorgeous surroundings -- that was some nice china and I do love those lampshades, too!

  2. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful photos of Christmas. I just spent the morning taking down my holiday decorations and wish we could have celebrated longer.

    Happy New Year to you!

  3. Hi Betsy,
    I have just shown your post to my husband. He just freaks out on Christmas lights! We have decorated the exterior in a modest way. This beats everything that you have seen. Really splendid and beautiful!
    Hold on there in the snow!
    Warm winter wishes,


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